Per the DA’s office, law enforcement, in the Pond, referred the following misdemeanor assault cases by year:2016 - 4322017 - 4642018 - 4592019 - 4762020 - 4442021 - 4102022 - 368
Over the last few years, law enforcement referred the following trespass cases by year:2016 - 11002017 - 13092018 - 15512019 - 14072020 - 7832021 - 4532022 - 577*The lowest level of criminal trespass is a bread and butter Downtown call.
Per DA’s Office, for the Pond, the LEO submitted:11,509 cases in 201611,323 cases in 201712,353 cases in 201812,364 cases in 20197897 cases in 20204897 cases in 20214183 cases in 2022
Per the DA’s office, Law Enforcement , in the Pond, referred the following misdemeanor drug cases by year:2016 - 4072017 - 1071*2018 - 11732019 - 13132020 - 6452021 - 83**2022 - 43*2017 is the year the state reduced felony drug charges to misdemeanors. **2021 is the year the state decriminalized drugs.
Per the DA’s Office, Traffic Crimes referred by LEO for prosecution by year. 2016DUII - 1942DWS - 618Hit & Run - 251Reckless Driving - 1312017DUII - 1508DWS - 558Hit & Run - 227Reckless Driving - 1132018DUII - 1537DWS - 625Hit & Run - 251Reckless Driving - 1312019DUII - 1537DWS - 520Hit & Run - 233Reckless Driving - 1162020DUII - 943DWS - 315Hit & Run - 176Reckless Driving - 1462021DUII - 705DWS - 182Hit & Run - 153Reckless Driving - 157
2022DUII - 505DWS - 138Hit & Run - 109Reckless Driving - 135
Per the Fire Department, in 2022 there were 1959 “homeless-related fires.”
That number is 41 percent of city’s fires.
Per the DA’s office, LEO, in the Pond, referred the following misdemeanor theft cases by year:2016 - 23432017 - 20002018 - 20822019 - 22562020 - 9822021 - 5122022 - 417
In the Pond, for 2022, there were 63 Traffic Fatalities matching the record high from the year before.
For 2021:
The Pond 18.2%
The County to the South 39.6%
The County to the West 43.2%
For the first two months of the year, the city has had 9 homicides. So far, the rate is down from last year.