A man brought his two day old dead dog into the precinct.
He had already been to the precinct earlier in the day, but County Mental Health declined to put a hold on him.
Sir, why did you bring your dead dog into the precinct?
"Well, do you know this app: Hornswaggle?"
"Well, it is allowing people to gang stalk me."
So, why did you bring in your dead dog?
"Well, do you know this app: Hornswaggle?"
No. What does it have to do with your dead dog?
"Well, I believe my dog has been poisoned. It has all of this lesions and I think my dog has been poisoned."
Sir, we don't do that here. You need to take your dog to a vet and have them send the animal to State for testing. You have to pay for it.
"Okay, but do you know this app..."
Sir, you need to remove your dog from the precinct, now.