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October 10, 2022


Discrimination should be against not being able to say openly, "We pay more attention to some people than others'. This is because facts bare us out. A jewish grandmother is not going to be a terrorist bomber unlike others.
This is our Modus Operandus:
We use Logic and Foresight.
We are trained in Pattern Recognition.
This is NOT racist but tools in our job to do our oath.
Our oath is to: Protect and Serve.
Anything other than this is not."

Just my opinion Sir.
Mission First. ALWAYS.

Use of Force Review, Force Scenarios, Wellness, City Policy on Discrimination.

It reads like an agreement not to fire a weapon in a war zone.

An agreement to be a 'Tool' and have all the makings of Help but not gibing any or being able to even protect onself.

I have to wonder if all the insurance companies and your fellow officers in adjacent counties and even cities sayin: NOPE.

nopering the hell out of the insanity.
I bet that is what is happening now.
Right now.
people got to people but it is not a suicide pact with wilful stupid now is it?

We need some EVO or something..


In one of the force scenarios, my partner and I ended up in shooting the bad guy in the head. He had knocked down an officer and was using a hammer to smash the officer's head. We did it without hesitation and did not endanger the officer with shot selection.

We passed.


Classic Song, Classic Video.

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