From my Wife.....
Little e: Why did Dad call?
me: He got in a fight at work and he's calling to warn me he might have bruises tomorrow.
Little e: Oh.
me: He says he's fine, but his face is sore. He just doesn't want to get in trouble tomorrow.
Little e: Oh?
me: He's scared of me.
Little e: Well, he SHOULD be!
me: Really?
Little e: Ya! You get MAD when we don't tell you things. You get scary!
Hah! Sounds familiar. I remember the first time mine called me from the hospital (and I received 4 such calls over the years), he said "don't worry, I'll be fine, but can you come pick me up?" My first thought was if you're fine why are you in hospital, second was just wait till I get there...
So it's always better to forewarn someone, I agree.
Posted by: Easily Lost | October 23, 2014 at 11:50 PM
That's awesome, the perspective of a child
Posted by: Lance | October 24, 2014 at 03:46 PM
Little e sounds very cute. Don't be too cross with Big e as I'm sure the other guy started it.
I hope hubby is soon on the mend.
Posted by: Jay | October 25, 2014 at 02:37 AM