In the Maze, north of Serenity, a citizen calls a Suspicious on a car.
A Mercedes's head lights have been on for four hours.
It could be a dumper. I've recovered stolens on the street.
On scene, I run the plate. I know the owner. I pinched him VRO in the Maze, at his girlfriend's last Fall. The box shrieks, alerting me to his want.
Straight Pipe covers me.
I knock on the girlfriend's door.
A young man answers. He takes a half step out, then squeezes the door against his chest like a shield.
He's worried.
His eyes dart between Straight Pipe and me.
I know the wanted guy is inside.
Is Bill here?
I go for low key to avoid the lie.
Someone's called. He left the lights on on his car.
He's looking at my face trying to read the trick.
I point to the street.
That's his Mercedes, right?
He looks.
Well, he might want to turn the lights off or he'll have a dead battery.
Straight Pipe and I walk away, wait, and approach the young man at the car.
I'd turn the engine over and let it run for a bit.
"I don't have a license. I don't want to get in trouble."
I nod.
Is Bill in the apartment?
The young man's eyes grow large.
He has a warrant.
His head falls.
"I'll go get him."
Five minutes later, Bill is hooked in the back seat, waiting for the dispatcher to confirm the warrant with County.