1632. Welfare check on possible suicidal subject. Caller does know where SB lives. I find the SB's address. She was evicted by the Sheriff's Office yesterday and moved out to unknown location. Today, she is not answering her phone.
1705. Alarm call. The alarm company calls to cancel as I roll up.
1755. Alarm call. The doors are left unlocked. Hawk and I clear the building. There is no RP available, so I zip tie the unsecure double door and leave out a side door. Then, I leave message for the pastor.
1914. Residential alarm. While checking the home, I found a back window pried open. The burglar made off with a box of change. The alarm prevented the thief from spending time in the house.
2245. Covered Short Pipe on a domestic involving a bi-polar, DK female. There were no injuries. She calmed down. We left.