Today, at roll call, the Lt. stood up and said, "RD is on a roll."
Last week, I received a commendation for a pair of solid dope pinches.
He said "Last night, he responded to Catholic Charities Housing.
Apparently, there are two tribes from Somalia living there.
The tribes don't live like each other. Children from one tribe egged
the cars from members of the other tribe, so RD gathered
the seven children involved and explained we are all Americans
and we are all equal under the law.
Then, he had the children wash the cars with all the families watching.
I think that's really neat and it's worth a Starbucks' card. "
He walked over towards me.
I stood.
He turned and handed the card to Decibel.
Decibel said, "I'm not RD" and motioned to me.
The LT. turned and handed me the card.
I smiled. I knew in the garage I'd receive a good ribbing.