I'm asleep. I should be asleep.
Someone is calling my name.
I wake enough to listen.
It's my wife.
Why is she talking to me?
It's her gentle voice.
She's trying to wake me up.
Why is she trying to wake me up?
I open an eye.
It's dark.
It's 7:04 AM.
I've had four hours of sleep.
Why is she trying to wake me.
I'm tired.
The bed is warm.
The snake in my head
is telling me,
"Ignore her.
Go back to sleep."
I want to listen.
I want to sleep,
and then, I think,
"Trust your wife.
She's here for a reason."
I have court:
an assault trial.
A drunk, naked, stripper
punched a fireman.
Courts a go.
I banish the snake
and launch out of bed.
The stripper was found guilty.
The trial took less than two hours.
Posted by: RD | January 23, 2013 at 02:09 AM
How do you choose to plead 'not guilty' on something like that? :P I guess if she was drunk, naked, and punching firemen, her track record on making good decisions is pretty bad...
Posted by: TJ | January 23, 2013 at 10:44 AM