Before work, on the way in, I watched a Legacy ahead of me speed up, swerve, right lane to left, aimed at the Lancer abreast of it.
The Lancer veered away, inches from the Legacy to the right and the curb to the left, a foot from the support structure of the on-ramp, shooting shoulder debris into the air.
The Lancer dropped speed, fell back, and pulled back into his lane.
The Legacy sheered right, braked, and swerved left at the Lancer again.
The Lancer braked hard, halting for a moment, and then, switched lanes left to right.
The Legacy veered right.
The Lancer braked, shifted left in it’s lane.
The Legacy copied the Lancer, but the Lancer swung left, accelerated, and passed the Legacy.
It speed ahead.
The Legacy caught up at the next light. The driver took pictures of the Lancer with his cell.
I wrote down the plate, eyed the driver, and turned toward the precinct.
At work, I ran the plate, stopped by the driver’s home, and left him stunned on his front stoop with a few cites.