“Shoplift in progress at the Stop and Shop.”
7David4. En route.
On scene, the suspect is waiting for me in the parking lot. His hands are up. His feet are spread. I can see his palms. He’s glad to see me.
“Officer, I shoplifted. You have to arrest me!”
Have a seat.
“Yes, sir!”
He complies.
He’s clean cut, forty.
What’s your story?
“I’m gay. I have AIDS. I can’t find work. My boyfriend kicked me out of the motel room we were living out of a week ago. I’ve been homeless for three days. I can’t find a shelter that will take me. I can’t can sleep on the street for another night.
You have to arrest me, and take me to jail, so I can have a warm place to sleep and food to eat.”
What did you take?
“A DVD and can of chew.”
Where’s the property?
“I gave it back to the clerk.”
Cover arrives, baby-sits the suspect.
I talk to the Pakistani clerk.
Do you want to press charges?
“I think, no. You take care of him officer?"
I will.
I check the shelters. I find one for him tomorrow.
My cover tells me of one that maybe open.
I’ll take you there if you stop trying to commit crimes tonight.
I drive him across town. The shelter is closed.
“It’s okay officer. I think know a place I can go.”
“Out East.”
I give him a ride. When I drop him off, he’s so happy, he asks permission to shake my hand.
Did you?
Posted by: Lt | December 18, 2010 at 07:53 AM
Posted by: RD | December 18, 2010 at 10:57 AM
A lot of officers don't, citing officer safety reasons. Like you, I shake hands, when offered, anyways. I'm glad you did.
Posted by: Lt | December 18, 2010 at 04:37 PM
Bless you for helping him, Raindog. He sounds like someone who would be a good friend in better circumstances.
Posted by: Becca | December 19, 2010 at 05:54 AM
@ Lt,
I shake on a case by case basis.
@ Becca,
All I know is that he didn't deserve to go to jail.
Posted by: RD | December 19, 2010 at 02:37 PM
Song of the Day: Fighting Trousers - Professor Elemental.
Posted by: RD | December 24, 2010 at 12:53 PM