Last night, leaving my family at the beach, so I could attend court today, on my day off, I found myself behind an erratic driver.
From median to fogline, from lane center to the edge of the asphalt precariously close to the ditch, the car bobbed, back forth, to, fro, again and again, at 65 miles per hour. A wreck, on-coming or single vehicle was imminent.
I own no cell phone. My work cell, at home, I had a sole option: back off, give space, wait, watch for a county car typically in the area at this time of night.
After seven miles of shadowing spasmodic driving, I had my opportunity. A sheriff's car sat at the entrance of the wildlife refuge, lights off lurking. I slowed, flashed him. He didn't see me. He was on the phone. Signaling, I pulled car to car.
Drunk driver. 10 times over the white line.
I pointed.
He fluidly shifted to drive, and thanked me, and entered the highway.
Two miles east, he stopped the car for tailgating white weaving back and forth over the white line. She had all the classic signs, except she was sober. She was not on the cell. She was exhausted, coming off a long shift after work. The deputy cited her for careless driving.
I thanked him, and continued my journey home.