In August, I asked for some volunteers to do art
with me. I had been asked to talk during a
conference of science educators at the end of
September, and I'd asked if I could do an art
project as well as talk. What had at first been
a small idea, to do a 15 minute art project,
grew in my mind to be an all day affair.
But, before I could subject 50 educators to my mad
schemes, I needed test subjects. Enter 8 friends.
Creation should be messy, I think. And we were messy.
This project featured 3 major steps. There was a
background layer, to which color, texture, and theme
could be added in a second layer. And then.. well..
that was the interesting bit.
I had everyone make two collages, and then, when they
got the composition just right... I asked them to cut
apart one of their works of art. Yes. I did. No one
was particularly happy with this idea, but once it was
done, the tiles were passed about the table. Each
person made a new collage, which featured bits of
everyone's work.
The idea of this project is for each person to leave
with two pieces of art. One is an individual work of art
and the other is a cooperative artwork. This idea of
individual growth coupled with group work related to
my envisioned talk.
I knew it would be difficult for participants to cut into
their work, but one of my friends found it even harder
than I'd imagined. I'm not sure she's forgiven me yet,
but most of the group liked their finished products.