The girls are upstairs doing something between
playing and fighting. The balance keeps slipping,
so I'm not guessing at where the pendulum is at the
It's been that sort of year. A year in flux.
A year, in and out of balance.
There's been so much this year that was bad,
or difficult, or heart rending, and we kept plugging
away. "We get knocked down, and get up again"
was a theme of 2013. At times, the year was a
Where's Waldo of the positive point of view.
We kept at it; finding beauty and holding the
beautiful moments as we pushed away the bad.
I am still working at sending out our Christmas
cards. Big E addressed them all, but I've been slow
at writing personal notes in them. This isn't unusual.
I often get my cards out after the holiday, and normally
this doesn't bother me. But this year, one of those
addressees died, suddenly, shockingly, immediately
following Christmas. I have her card here, and she'll
never get it. I missed her. She wouldn't be angry,
I know. But, this missed connection hurts.
I wrote more this year, which is a bonus. I sewed less,
which is just a fact. We had kindness find us, in all
kinds of ways, large and small when we needed it
the most. There were many times this year where
I felt I could reach and touch the goodwill coming
to us from near and far.
We did our best, and now it is time to let it go.
I keep telling the girls that, "We do our best, and then
we let it go."
I would like 2014 to be year less remarkable than
2013, but I'm not betting on it. I think we'll say goodbye
to The Tank this year; he has been perfecting the
slow fade into twilight this year. Big E will continue
at his work, which always brings a startling mix of
reality into our lives. Sweet G's recovery to full health
will continue it's slow journey onward, complete
with moments of turbulence. I will be participating
in a science education symposium (Yay!). And Little e
will continue her evolution from child to pre-teen.
We do our best, and we let it go.
Happy New Year!