So, life continues moving forward.
Big E is back at work!
Which makes us all very happy! Knees are an important
thing, and knees that bend are a good thing.
And while I would like to think that as life slowly moves
toward normal speed, I would be able to blog as often
as I did when nothing was normal....
I can't. I keep writing these posts in my brain, but
they don't automatically transfer from brain to screen.
It is vexing. I keep thinking, "I posted that!", but I
So, here is my deal. I am going to try and make the
time to sit and write. I like writing. Writing is good.
I still have things to say, and I really think I can
bridge that gap between mental meanderings and
published blather. Really, I do.
After all, I've found the time to sew up some friends.
Maybe they'll help keep me on target.