Last week, Little e and a friend did a three day project
with me. The first day of the project was spent
painting a piece of cotton. These artworks used fabric
paints and a waterbased resist.
The next two sessions were sewing classes for two
first time sewists. We practiced sewing in straight lines
and talked about seam allowances. There was lots of
practice pinning and learning about the parts of the
sewing machines.
The girls worked hard. Nine is such a good age for this
kind of project. To accent their original painted art,
the girls were able to choose fabrics from my stash.
In the first class, they made the outside of their bags.
In the second class they were able to assemble the
insides of the bag, the strap, and to put the pieces
together. I'm thrilled to say that they each sewed
their bags entirely themselves, even the top stitching.
I love how well the fabric they choose accented their
art, and how functional their final project is.
The backside of Little e's bag, the other side is her elephant.
Little e's already been using her bag, and she's looking
forward to practicing more with the machine.