Running kid workshops are such a different beast than
their adult cousins.
Most of the time adults are more likely to need gentle
encouragement, childen know they've got the creative
goods. Also, the kids know they're going to have fun
and feel better for the play, adult sometimes have to
be reminded.
Adults worry more about using up supplies, or using the
Whole Sheet, the children are more aware of someone
else getting the "Good Stuff". Everybody surprises me
with what they create. Everybody. It's part of the joy.
Last week, at the children's workshop, one of the girls
(this is her second time creating with me), made a
lovely Valentine, and said "I made my Valentine." with
a tone of finality edged with a bit of hope. It reminded
me a bit of "I ate my veggies, and now could I have some
dessert, please?"
"Would you like to do another?" I asked her.
"Um, well. Sure."
"Is there something else you'd prefer to do?" I prompted.
"Well, you don't have that out." she answered very, very
"Oh... did you want to needle felt?" I say as the penny drops.
Her eyes lit up in that way that is special to very
quiet girls. "But you don't have that out...."
"But I can. Just give me a minute and we'll be set up."
All of those hours I spent between Christmas and New
Years organizing my art space? An excellent investment
that paid for itself in a single moment.The right bins
were easily at hand without any time for my student to
feel awkward or to second guess herself for asking.
It makes me wonder if an adult would have asked.
I do hope so. You should always ask.
Next time she comes, no matter what we're meant to
be doing, I'll have the felting ready for her. A girl
should have access to her medium.