You may think this is a cute cat in a box, it is not.
This is a very, very naughty cat being prepared to be
shipped to one of those military boot camps that makes
good cats out of bad cats through push-ups and cleaning
bathrooms with toothbrushes.
We started our morning picking up the garbage
Mr Fuzzypants had knocked over during a dull spot in
the night.
Then, while I was walking Little e to school,
Sweet G's breakfast was interrupted by a horrible
crashing noise in the kitchen. Mr Fuzzypants had climbed
on top of the kitchen cabinets (how is unclear) and had
pushed several dishes off the ledge. The cat skeedaddled,
and Miss G started to pick up dish bits from the floor.
Then, (Mr Fuzzypants was not done) she heard a new sound.
The sound of a cat on the dining room table eating her
His cabinet crashing adventure netted one broken dish
(an antique Spode Buttercup lemon dish, damn cat) and
several toppled, but unbroken plates (including a plate that
fell to the floor, but was undamaged).
I'm not sure if they'll let him write from Kitty Reform