My friend Totoro:
and his little friend, Chibi Totoro...
For the O Totoro, I used a combination of wool blend
felt and thermoset vinyl for the decorations.
The chibi totoro is all wool blend felt.
First there was the Spongebob Dicepants bag,
and now with this Totoro bag. These more complex
bags are so fun to make, and such a natural evolution
from my applique dice bags. I think this is the start
of a new series of higher end dice bags.
This bag makes me so happy. Look at that face!
I have ideas for more bags. There is a Tardis in the
works, and Soot Sprites, and perhaps even a series
of monster bags. So. Much. Fun.
Totoro has been listed in the shop.
What kind of a dice bag would you want to see?
(UPDATE: The Totoro dice bag has already sold. I'm
working on some more, and should have them up
next week.)