At the beginning of March, we (a gaggle of 7) went
to the big Expo Antique show. Auntie H and Cousin M
flew across country to attend with us.
It was a grand show.
My purchase of the show was a set of cyclopedias.
Cyclopedias of Universal Knowledge, no less.
The best part of my set of 4 books?
Beyond the $25 price tag,
was the condition. The spines are shot, but the pages
are lovely, high quality, non-musty, non-mildewed paper.
In other words, perfect for art.
With the spines beyond repair, I had no qualms about
buying the books with dissection in mind.
The illustrations are wonderful,and the subjects divine.
Most of the entries were written in the 1880's
and early 1890's, so there is a flavor of science and
research driven knowledge, but still a whim of datedness.
Phrenology is still hot, and the Eiffel Tower is still
temporary, octopi have a single eye, but we know
that muscle is made up of fibers. Oh, and if you
were unsure of how to use a fork, we've got you covered.