I have things to do, that I've been avoiding,
but that will need to be addressed soon.
1. Taxes.
2. Cleaning out the upstairs bathroom.
3. Buying new jeans.
The first one, well it won't be half so bad
once I just.do.it. I've been organizing and ordering, so that it should go quickly and smoothly, and only need a small dose of sailor talk.
The second. Oh, I hate that room.
I loathe it. It is ugly, and horrible, and...
But. We need more space, and maybe, just maybe a coat of paint and some magic fairy dust and the room won't make me want to hide.
Why? Why am I contemplating this?
We're thinking of installing an art center for Little e in the bathroom.
It's a good sized room for a loo, and we are so short of space. The girls need separate areas to do their thing.
Now I need to track down a good source for fairy dust.
And the third.
Jeans. I love wearing jeans and hate buying them.
Every time I go, the fashion has changed,
and it's a whole new world of finding out what
bit of my body isn't doing what it should.
But, none of these things are happening today, tomorrow or the next day. Family is in town, and we have such fun things planned. Tonight is dinner out, with a sitter for the girls. Tomorrow is a huge antique sale, and the next day is a day devoted to the girls.