Big E joined me in my assault on the basement yesterday.
The basement will never be a 'nice' place to spend time,
but now, at least, there is a little more order.
(Actually, we do have a friend who thought our cluttered, dark, low ceilinged basement was the best place on earth to be for an evening. He was home on leave from service in Iraq while his daughter had surgery, and our basement, in its bunker-esque glory, felt safe. He spent several hours down there playing games with Big E de-stressing after the surgery. So I guess it's all in your perspective.)
Anyway, my Plan is to move stuff from our back porch
into the basement. The idea is to rethink the space
we have, since we can't afford to make more space.
(Yes, I said this last year too, and that was successful!
Fingers crossed for this year's lunacy.)
I'm not sure how we're going to use the space:
Guest room? Art Annex? Reading Area? Time Machine?
The back porch has heat (sort of, we've never used it)
and is (sometimes) a room in our house.
(When we bought the house, the powers that be claimed
it was a "room", but when we refinanced several years ago,
they said it wasn't. So I guess it's a wee bit unstuck in space/time.)
I've been promised, by the weathermen,
(Yes I know. They are heartbreakers those doppler reading fools.)
that today is the last day of heat.
My Plan, so far, entails that I do the heavy labor in the morning
(killing cobwebs, moving boxes that seem to have their own gravity, and relocating Important Things That We Might Need One Day.)
and when the day gets hot, I reorganize art supplies while watching season one of The Closer on DVD.
Not exactly a Plan befitting the A-Team,
but at least it isn't Market Garden.
Anywho, it is time for more cobwebs to meet their deaths on the field of war.