As I make my through the kinder architecture which is the Kindergarten Auction quilt, I have to admit to a bit of (dare I say it?) burn out.
Then I finish a house, see its sweetness, and I reach for the next one in the pile.
Which leads me to the Zen State and beyond.
I think most crafters/artists/people have that point of total engagement where things are rocking along and you just don't want to stop. That state of "I can do one more" leads to 4 more, and somewhere past the Zen State you reach the Zombie State; the brain goes from remote control to snooze and the Mistakes begin.
Zombie State can be recognized by these signs:
-You second guess the PLAN. (Because you are always smarter at midnight than you were at noon.)
-You begin to do things ON THE FLY. (Making it up as go along is always a good idea.)
So when the thoughts:
"Why did I make the pattern like that? I can TOTALLY skip that part and make this So Much SIMPLER by doing this."
started to flash through my mind last night, I recognized the impending Zombie State, put down the house with a dozen windows, and walked away.