On the way to the library little e played "Catch me". This is the game where I get loaded down with 50 pounds of library books or groceries and then she skips ahead of me chanting "Run, Mama, run! You can't catch me!" Here she is taunting me from her clever hiding place behind a pole.
In other news, last night I finished my last quilt block for the Fan Quilt! I counted, recounted, and then did a little happy dance. All that remains is laying out the quilt, ordering the blocks, sewing them together, making the border (thousands of strips sewn together..), sewing on the border, choosing the backing, sandwiching the layers together, sewing the thing together, and tying a gazillion little knots. Okay, so now having the blocks done doesn't seem quite so fabulous... but at least I get to do something different now!