It seems that the Weather Bureau in our area has become confused. We have many, many types of rain; mist, shower, downpour, light, heavy, continuous, freezing, pelting, monsoon style, etc. It even rains when the sun is out. But, this (see photo) is snow. Notice the white, cold fluffy, flakiness of it. Notice how it rests on top of the grass. See how you could pick it up in your hand and mold it, or eat it? It is, in fact, rain in solid form. What we had yesterday was rain. Not snow. Honestly people, is it that hard to tell the difference? 100% chance of snow, and not even a single white flake. Pah! (And yes, I know those of you who live where snow is as common as our rain will guffaw at my piddily photo of snow, but I tried. I still have a better handle on it than those Weather Guys who make the big bucks!)