My husband harangued me about not actually writing anything in my post yesterday. He said he was very disappointed. I said I had been doing chores instead. He rolled his eyes at me!
SO! Here I am, posting instead of doing dishes... I am so virtuous! I actually listened, and obeyed. (There is a first time for everything.)
My sock has a heel, and I have finished reducing after the gusset. So now, I just have to figure out how long to knit the body of the sock and then tackle the toe!
I decided to give the 'phants eyes. But, they are simple little embroidered additions. They just give a hint of definition, without being distracting. I have four done; only twenty more to go. I am going to try and get as many done as I can tonight. Of course, those dirty dishes are still calling my name. (Sigh) It is so hard to be good!